Congratulations to Juliana for winning a SURE poster prize!
Juliana is this year's winner of the SURE poster prize in the Biotechnology and Bioengineering category. Congratulations! Both Juliana...
Juliana is this year's winner of the SURE poster prize in the Biotechnology and Bioengineering category. Congratulations! Both Juliana...
Congratulations to both for this thorough review paper discussing the evolving role of proteins in wearable sweat biosensors, as...
Juliana and Graham are returning to start new projects, and we welcome Jennifer, Pew and Xinxin in the group. Congratulations to Juliana...
Take a look at the collaborative manuscript on "aquaplastics". These water processable plastic-like materials are made of microbial...
Read the full Faculty of Engineering 2019-2020 Major Gift Report here.
This semester, we welcome a new undergraduate researcher in the group, Coralie! Coralie is joining for a CHEE 494 project. We also...
If you are attending the conference, go listen to their talks and contact them with comments or questions. Find more details about the...
Our article was just accepted for publication in ACS Synthetic Biology! Along with our collaborators at Northwestern University, we are...
Dalia received the first presentation prize in the biomedical category for her oral presentation.
She will give a plenary TED talk-style presentation during the upcoming Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. Read more here.
We welcome a new undergraduate researcher, Graham, for a CHEE 494 project!
In this article for Scientific Reports, entitled "Fabrication of Fluorescent pH-Responsive Protein-Textile Composites", we report the...
Congratulations Daniel!
This award recognizes early excellence and potential for future pre-eminence in research by academic staff in the Faculty of Engineering...
Our article, entitled "Challenges in Engineering Conductive Protein Fibers: Disentangling the Knowledge" will be published in The...
Congratulations Jiawei!