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Join us!

We are always looking for talented and motivated students and postdocs interested in multidisciplinary research to join our team.

Our team is diverse and highly collaborative!  Background in any of the following fields could be an asset to our group: chemical engineering, biological engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, molecular biology, physics, chemistry...

If interested, please send Prof. Dorval Courchesne an email (noemie.dorvalcourchesne(at) with your CV, academic transcripts (undergraduate, Master's and PhD, if applicable), and a brief summary of your previous research experience and future research interests.  


Please note that, due to the large volume of applications that we receive, we will not be able to respond to every request.  We will be sure to contact you if we have an open position that suits your background.

Open PhD Positions

We have open PhD positions for 2024/2025 in the fields of protein-based bioelectronics, sustainable biomaterials and various functional protein-based materials.  If interested, please contact Prof. Dorval Courchesne by email (noemie.dorvalcourchesne(at)  Include all the documents listed above and state your research interests.

Please also consult application deadlines for winter, summer and fall semesters here.

Scholarships, Fellowships and Internships

To identify potential sources of funding, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to consult the NSERC and FRQNT websites.  Information is also available on the Faculty of Engineering website.

Prospective PhD students can look at the McGill Engineering Doctoral Award (MEDA).

Graduate and undergraduate students in the Dorval Lab can also become part of an enriching NSERC CREATE program in Sustainable Electronics and Eco-Design (SEED) and obtain scholarships through this program.  

Undergraduate students interested in a research experience in the Dorval Lab can look at the NSERC USRA and the SURE programs, as well as summer scholarship programs from PROTEO, QCAM and CREPEC. We also welcome students through the CHEE 494 and CHEE 495 Research Project & Seminar courses.

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